4 Simple Tips to Create Engaging Content for Your Learners on Flinnt!

4 Simple Tips to Create Engaging Content for Your Learners on Flinnt!

As an educator, getting your students to pay attention to you in class is anything but easy. While some are busy stealing glances at their mobile phones, quite a few are having full-blown conversations via chits or whispers as soon as you turn your back to them. What’s more, a lot of them are probably just staring into space daydreaming or sleeping with their eyes wide open! Despite this, you can get your students to focus, even if it be for a few minutes, with just a snap of your fingers.

But what do you do when you’re imparting knowledge using online learning resources? Can you trust your learners to go through even a single lesson or course without wandering off to other websites?

The answer is no. However, holding learner attention online will be the least of your worries once you read these 4 simple tips on creating engaging learning resources.

 #1 Pique Interest

You can’t hold a learner’s interest if you fail to grab it in the first place. And with a bevy of websites to offer games and other great stuff, you will have to face stiff competition when it comes to arousing curiosity!

Don’t be discouraged already; here are some tips you could use:

  • Start with a fact. Share a lesser known but intriguing fact related to the course with your learners.
  • Challenge your learners. Ask questions or offer pre-tests before they take up courses. This way, learners will be eager to show off what they already know and willing to learn what they don’t.
  • Tell a story. Personal stories and anecdotes can be used to make just about any subject or topic fascinating. Take Ramanujan’s number for example!

 #2 Use Relevant Learning Material

Design learning material such that it speaks to your students and enables them to connect lessons to real life experiences. This will ensure that they stay glued to the course.

  • Promote learning through daily routines or habits. For example, stress on the importance of maintaining hygiene while teaching about food and water borne diseases.
  • Use specific everyday examples in your courses, like applying Math concepts to help manage pocket money or experiencing centripetal force when turning a corner while seated in a car, bus or other vehicle.
  • Find a common link between national holidays, festivals and traditions, and subject matter to help your learners sail through the course.

 #3 Make It Attractive

Making learning material attractive isn’t just about using a nice font, and it’s absolutely not about using too many colours!

  • Use visual content like infographics, flowcharts and multimedia presentations. Also use quizzes with multiple-choice questions to boost learning. That being said, don’t be redundant; try to keep the learning material as fresh as possible.
  • Make sure you don’t cram information on pages; instead, offer bite-sized information where possible. Additionally, keep content organized and refrain from presenting information haphazardly.
  • Include activities at the beginning or at the end of courses- like observing dew drops on plants early morning when you’re teaching about condensation or precipitation.


#4 End It in Style

Just as a good start is a must to get your learners hooked on to learning, ending the course material right is important if you want to keep them thirsting for more knowledge.

  • Create quizzes and tests, but remove the stress associated with them. You might want to ask your students what topic they’d like you to create a quiz on!
  • Consider this- group your learners and ask them to create quizzes and tests and pass them on to the other groups.
  • Ask learners to watch a documentary or read a book related to the course and share their reviews.

We’re sure that these tips will make a huge difference to the way you design courses for your learners. Do let us know if you liked these tips and feel free to share your ideas with us.

Get in touch with us if you need any assistance in putting these ideas into practice.

Happy Flinnting!

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