3 New Flinnt Features to Increase Engagement and Save Time

3 New Flinnt Features to Increase Engagement and Save Time


Have you noticed the changes in the Flinnt App as well as the website? It is hard to miss because Flinnt now has features to not only communicate but also for structured learning. In case you have not been able to explore the changes let us bring it to your notice:

  1. The Communication Tab: The ‘post’, ‘message’, ‘album’ have been merged into the communication tab. So if there is a circular or an announcement for the whole class or a message to be sent to an individual learner, it will all go under the communication tab.
  2. The Content Tab: Here you can add ‘Section’ and ‘Files’. This is like a digital textbook, you can define the topics, chapters or units as different ‘Sections’ and then add documents, videos, YouTube videos, audio, images or links to different websites. All these get organized under the section and the learners can access it at their convenience. You have many controls like which section or file to ‘Show’ or ‘Hide’, simple drag and drop feature to take a section or file up or down.
  3. The Import Feature: In the Content Tab you have the option adding content by yourself or you could just import it from different courses. There are many public courses on Flinnt which have enabled the ‘Copy Content’ setting. You can with a single click import the documents, links and videos from any of these public courses into the ‘Content’ tab in your course.

The Content ‘Add’ or ‘Import’ feature is only available on the website so login to your account and check out the above features. The content will enable you to engage your learners without having to post on a daily basis and the import feature will enable you to save time.

Keep Flinnting and let us know what more you want us to do to enable you to save time and to increase learner engagement.

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