Cracking the code for getting children hooked to learning

Cracking the code for getting children hooked to learning

Children are curious by nature, they want to know what is happening, why is it happening, who are impacted by it and so on. They are great at creating and following stories, if you don’t believe me then you just need to log in to snapchat and seek validation.

Then why is it that these same children lose interest when it comes to learning what is taught in their schools? Why do they run away from their coursebooks? In the past 10 weeks we have found validation through the 300+ students who have enrolled to our courses.

Yashraj a 5th Grader has accessed the Class 5 English courses on a daily basis throughout the summer holidays. Same is the case with Nandini, the 8th Grader who used to hate science is accessing science learning resources daily. Hiya, Kavish and Tejal are students who weren’t very interested in Maths, their parents feel there is a marked difference as they have been spending 15–20 minutes everyday doing math even in the summer holidays.

What is keeping these students hooked to learning even during summer holidays? The answer lies in the fresh new content posted everyday for these students in the Flinnt courses. The content is related to day to day happenings, whatever trends on social media is also trending on our courses. It is just that our Learning Jockeys find a way to connect the trending topic to a subject that is being learnt for e.g. When Justin Bieber’s concert was trending; the learners were learning math related to the rates of the tickets and logistics, they were learning about adjectives that were being used to describe the concert, they were also learning about the science behind the music.

So the recipe for getting students hooked to learning is in creating fresh new content on a daily basis by connecting day to day happenings with the subject and topic being learnt. Students are curious by nature and by fueling their curiosity by posting new content everyday, we are able to get the learners hooked to learning.

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