4 Benefits of telling stories to PreSchoolers

4 Benefits of telling stories to PreSchoolers

In the grand old days, when the world was without mobiles and television and it still had Daada and Daadi or Naana and Naani in it, the world had a place for stories. The stories helped us learn important lessons, they taught us about the good and bad and also made us what we are today. However, now, with technology, nuclear families, and working parents, the art of story-telling has become rare. Here are some of the advantages of storytelling…

Helps build a bigger vocabulary: Tanmay Seth a six-year-old is addicted to stories and they are his main source of picking up new words, as he makes sense of the story, the word registers in his mind. Each story has a theme and the vocabulary is also related to that theme, hence it helps the child remember the words for a long time.

Enhances listening skills: Preschoolers are not the most attentive listeners, they are usually attention seekers. Stories are a great way to develop listening skills if the story captures their attention they listen with intent. By asking questions to make them relate the story with their own lives, it is possible to develop the habit of active listening.

Aids development of emotions and feelings: For Aarti Sinha the mother of a 4-year-old, stories are about emotional bonding and feelings. She feels that her girl is able to relate to her own emotions and tantrums by hearing them as a part of other characters in stories. She feels new age children should have new age stories having contemporary setting the values and morals may be eternal.

Helps in knowing the cultural roots: Our lives have also become like McDonalds and Dominoes, very similar, irrespective of the city that we live in or our social background. Stories are a great way of introducing the child to your social background, the story can have objects and words that are related to your language and culture.

The Storytelling course by The StoryCircle on Flinnt is a community of more than 11,000+ parents and educators who enjoy new stories and tips on storytelling. You can join the course or invite your friends and family to join this community for free. Click Here

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